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Common Questions During a Job Interview

Have you ever been on a job interview and had your interviewer ask you a personal question or even ask you a question about something you thought you did really well at? What was that person looking for or looking for out of you? Even the best candidates can get confused when this happens. Here are some of the most common questions that I have had to answer.

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What To Do If You're Nervous About Job Interviews

Even the most seasoned interviewees can get nervous when interviewing for a new job. If you're afraid that you're not qualified enough to land your dream job, this could be a common fear. But, despite how daunting it might seem, you should never let your mind wander from the task at hand.

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How to Prepare For an Interview With a Potential Employer

Preparation helps to reduce uncertainty, anxiety, and stresses before an interview. You can lessen your anxiety by taking the following steps. Do Your Research You’re going to have to prepare for the interview by researching the company and what they do. You can do this online or by talking to friends who have been in similar positions. The more familiar you are with a company, the better prepared you will be for an interview.

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What To Wear for a Job Interview

We all make judgements about the people we come into contact with within the first few seconds of meeting them. This will be an exception, but you can never go wrong with a crisp white shirt paired with a black or navy skirt, black or white leather shoes and a simple clutch.

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Resume Tips to Get Better Results on Job Search Sites

When searching for a job, there are certain steps you have to take and do so quickly in order to receive the most possible leads. It's not that hard to find a job, if you know what to do. However, if you are not willing to do the needed work, you will not get the...

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